Final Arrangements
by shadowrangerDisclaimer: Even in my wildest dreams I do not own the Power Rangers. They belong to Saban and are used here without his permission. Saban also owns Masked Rider and VR Troopers. Mandarin belongs to Marvel Comics and North Valley belongs to the creators of Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad. UNIT is own by the BBC as does the Master and his TARDIS.
Some of the additional characters i.e. Chelsea and Teddy Oliver, members of the De Santos family, Jamie Zedden, Larrie Zedden, Lillian O’Neil, Parker O’Neil and the IGPF belong to Ellen Brand. I have also borrowed the idea of Morphin Warriors and based my description of the Morphin Grid on her series. Thank you for allowing me to use them Ellen:-) Now for what I do own. The idea for the Full Aspect Morphin Powers is mine, use it if you want. Minion is also my creation. Silvo, Bronzo, and Brasso are my creations named after tins of metal polish. Any likeness between these characters and anybody else’s are purely coincidental.
Author’s Note: Anything appearing like -this- is a conversation Sam is eavesdropping. *This* is a telepathic message. [This] is a computerised message. Beetle Borgs are called -colour- Borg. Gem Coin Rangers are referred to as Zeo -Ninja Animal-. VR Troopers are referred to as -colour- Trooper.
Special thanks: for this part goes to Ellen Brand for the explanation of the Morphin Warrior costumes. The ideas and descriptions for some of the new Zeo Zords come from Matt’s Samurai Ranger series. If you haven’t read their series yet I suggest you do so they are excellent reads. Oh yeah, everybody hurts was written by REM and is used without permission.
Final Arrangements
The Power Chamber, normally quiet apart from times of crisis was currently the location of a deep debate about a subject affecting both the Morphin and Zeo teams.
“Are you sure this will work?” Billy asked looking first at Zordon and then at the grinning Time Lord and the Blue Morphin Master trying to look inconspicuous.
Alpha Five for his part tried to stay out of sight of the slightly annoyed Blue Ranger. This close to their trip to Aquitar Billy was even more on edge than he had been for the last few months. The constant stress of being a Ranger was starting to take its toll on the young genius. Fortunately Trini had been on hand to keep him calm and the other Rangers had accepted his unpredictable temper as a passing phase.
“Have faith young wolf,” Ninjor replied in his unique way. “I built them so I should know what they can do.”
“Besides,” the Doctor added, “If you don’t try we’ll never know and you know we are short four Zeo Zords.”
“You must have faith Billy,” Zordon reassured the still uncertain Ranger. “When we built the original Zeo Zords I foresaw the chance we might have needed to replace them in the future.”
“Okay,” Billy conceded. “But I still think we need to find a decent mechanic to handle this sort of thing.”
“Come on Billy we know you can do it,” Trini reassured her friend. “After all, Ninjor built one set of Zords and you built the other.”
“But neither of us built the third set,” Billy protested. “At least if we used the remains of Serpenterra we would know how the power is generated. Even stripping on of the Gem Coin Megazords would be a better option than this.”
“I agree with you Billy,” Alpha said. “But with Aisha now holding the power of the Grey Morphin Zeo Ranger we have a chance to merge the Earth based Zeo technology with the power of Grid and Crystal. Beside, we need to ensure the Zeo Rangers have Zords that will work on Aquitar.”
“Where do we start?” Billy asked.
“First we must gather the Zords and separate them from their power source. Then we can start to modify them,” the Doctor said.
“That means we need to call the Zeo Rangers,” Billy said. “Although Trini and I can summon Morphin Zords.”
“I will summon them for you Billy,” Alpha said.
“Call on Aisha as well,” Zordon told him.
“Right away Zordon,” Alpha replied glad to be in everyone’s good books. “They’re on their way Zordon.”
“Relax,” the Doctor whispered to Billy. He remembered the last young genius he had come across in E-Space and the pain he had felt when Adrian had died. He promised himself he would ensure Billy had the chance to reach his full potential and if that meant freeing a planet from the hands of a pair of formerly incompetent henchmen.
Ten coloured columns announced the arrival of most of the Rangers summoned. The Doctor looked at those assembled and asked, “Where’s Samantha?”
“I’ll call her again,” Alpha volunteered.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep
The sound of a communicator came from inside the Doctor’s TARDIS.
“Alright, alright! I’m coming,” came the familiar English accent belonging to Samantha Jones the current Yellow Zeo Ranger. “Can’t you let a girl get a bit of bloody sleep every now and then.”
Even Billy smiled, as the Doctor’s travelling companion appeared in the doorway her hair a mess from sleeping too near the static generator again.
“Language Sam,” the Doctor said trying to hide his own smile. Sam was the first companion he had known with the possible exception of Ace to gain the upper hand in terms of temperament. Most companions, even those who were supposed to be refined and scientifically advanced eventually ended up screaming at the smallest thing.
Unlike Ace however Samantha fought her battles with words as opposed to Nitro Nine. It was a relief to the Doctor who always feared Ace would one-day blow up the Console Room. Samantha on the other hand drew strength from her faith in the Doctor and could find her way out of trouble without screaming.
“Yeah well it wasn’t me who flooded the bedrooms because I forgot to empty the swimming pool was I?” Sam snapped back. Finally she noticed the other Rangers and remembered the communicator. “So, what’s up?”
“Zeo Rangers,” Zordon said regaining control. “We need you to summon your Zords so we can update your arsenal.”
As Zordon spoke Trey summoned a box containing the Super Zeo Gems. Holding his Power Staff over his head he energised the four remaining Gems.
“The Purple, White, Silver and Black Super Zeo Zords are ready Zordon.”
“Good,” Zordon replied. “Morph outside the Power Chamber and call on you Zords. Then teleport back here. Billy and Trini summon the other Zords we need.”
“It’s Morphin Time!”
“Zeo Ranger I – Pink!”
Zeo Ranger II – Yellow!”
“Zeo Ranger III – Blue!”
“Zeo Ranger IV – Green!”
“Zeo Ranger V – Red”
“Zeo Ranger VI – Purple!”
“Zeo Ranger VII – Silver!”
“Zeo Ranger VIII – Black!”
“Zeo Ranger IX – White!”
“Zeo Ranger X – Gold!”
“Yellow Ranger Power!”
“Blue Ranger Power!”
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
when you’re sure you’ve had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don’t let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.
Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it’s time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
if you feel like letting go, (hold on)
when you think you’ve had too much of this life, well hang on.
Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don’t throw your hand. Oh, no. Don’t throw your
If you feel like you’re alone, no, no, no, you are not alone
If you’re on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
when you think you’ve had too much of this life to hang on.
Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)
Skull placed the earphones back under the seat, his eyes filling slightly with tears. It had been six weeks since the accident and he knew he should be feeling better, but the loss of his only friend was still too painful to forget.
He thought back on his childhood, how the other kids had bullied him because he was small for his age. That was before Bulk had shown up. He was also bullied because of his weight and his name. A friendship had been formed and Skull knew he had a friend for life.
After that day Bulk and Skull had been inseparable. Even though their had been detentions and arguments along the way the two boys had never been able to stay mad at each other for long.
Everything they had done since then they had done together. They had entered highschool as a duo, tried out for the football team together and even trained as junior police officers together.
But what time had failed to accomplish fate had managed. Bulk was dead, killed saving Skull from a piece of shrapnel. At the time Skull had wanted to go after the man he blamed for his friend’s death, but after much soul searching he decided it was not Richie Ryan’s fault.
When Inspector Klauseau finally explained the organisation he worked for Skull had been amazed. He had accepted the Power Rangers without question, but the thought of immortals covering the planet and an organisation dedicated to recording their lives was amazing.
Of course had somebody told the boys about the Quickening before they had followed Ryan they would have known to get clear when the warehouse exploded.
Skull looked out of the window as he heard the plane reverse thrust ready for landing. On the ground he saw the crowds waiting for passengers. Of course he knew nobody would be there for him, as he had not told anyone he was coming.
_Not that anybody would be there if I did, _ he thought sadly.
One of the few things he regretted about his friendship with Bulk was the way they had alienated the other students and citizens of Angel Grove. In truth they had been lonely and being bullies was the only way they could get attention away from Jason Lee-Scott and his friends.
It had succeeded to some extent, except instead of respect they had ended up with detention.
“Oh well, time to go home,” he said to himself as he retrieved the small bag from the overhead compartment. Inside was his final tribute to Bulk, which he hoped Ernie would help him deal with. The official funeral had taken place in Sunnyvale where the Bulkmiers had made their home before coming to Angel Grove.
Of course the casket was empty because the Watchers had wanted the body for some reason. It made Skull sick to think what they were doing to his friend’s corpse.
Paris Mortuary,
Six Weeks Ago
“Monsieur Skullovitch, I know this is difficult but I would ask you to look at the body in this room and tell me if it is indeed Farkus Bulkmier,” the police official said.
“Oui Monsieur,” Skull replied.
He gazed at Bulk’s body noting the peaceful look on the boy’s face. His heart sank, as he thought of life on his own.
“Au revoir, Bulky,” Skull said before allowing the morgue officials to show him out.
As they left the room one of the morgue’s attendants placed the corpse into a storage locker and left. Unaware of the figure watching from the Power Chamber.
In a column of green light Samoht Revilo appeared in the morgue and made his way to the locker where Bulk had been placed.
“Zordon, what do I do?” he asked.
“Remove the shrapnel from his back,” the Doctor said. “Then stand back and wait.”
Samoht did as he was asked still not understanding why Zordon had insisted none of the other Rangers be made aware of his mission.
“What the…”
A small bolt of lightning struck the exposed wound healing it instantly. Another bolt struck and Bulk let out a howl of pain.
“You can bring him back now,” the Doctor said.
Samoht obeyed, ignoring the fact he was grave robbing.
Year 2000,
In Seacouver Duncan Macleod sensed the approach of someone with a long lifeline and drew his sword ready for action. Even as the new arrival moved into view Duncan was ready to strike.
“Put it down Duncan,” a voice said. “You know I’ll kick your butt.”
Duncan frowned. Only one person spoke to him like that and if he remembered their last meeting the Doctor did not carry a sword.
“You’ve changed faces again,” Macleod said humourlessly.
“And you still insist on carrying that thing,” the Doctor replied.
He had tried years before to get Duncan to give up the Game and for a time Duncan had responded. Now though not only was Duncan back in the fight it seemed he was teaching.
“What brings you here?” Duncan asked aware of the fact wherever the Doctor travelled trouble was almost always nearby.
“I need you to train a new student,” the Doctor replied.
“I’m not in the Game anymore Doctor. I quit.”
“Well I’d appreciate it if you’d consider this one a debt,” the Doctor told him.
“A debt?”
“Well your student made him immortal so I thought maybe you could train him.”
“Doctor, Richie is dead,” Duncan said.
“I know,” the Doctor said. “Killed by your own hand. But before he died he was responsible for the Quickening that killed your next pupil.”
The Doctor gestured to his side and a large teenager who resembled a football player stepped out.
“Bulk, this is Duncan Macleod of the Clan McCloud.”
Farkus Bulkmier held his hand out experiencing a serious headache. Duncan reluctantly shook the boy’s hand agreeing to tutor him.
_Good, _ the Doctor thought. _Now we just need to handle Skull. _
Outside of Power Mountain,
“We need Zeo Zord power, now!” six of the ten Zeo Rangers called.
“Red Battle Zord!” Red Zeo called.
“Warrior Wheel!” Gold Zeo called.
“Super Zeo Zords Online!”
Now it was the turn of the Morphin Rangers to call forth their contribution. “Battle Borgs, Power Up!”
On the side of a mountain in an unknown land the eight Battle Borgs looked at each other before setting off to aid the Rangers for the last time. At Power Mountain the Holding Bay opened and the Zeo Ranger’s Zords were released from the Zord Cannon.
“Line them up!” Red Zeo ordered.
The twenty-six Zords arranged themselves in lines before the Rangers. The Super Zeo Zords at the back ready for action. In front stood the six Zeo Zords, the Sphinx and Taurus Zords detached from the weapon systems they normally dragged into action. In front of them were the smaller Battle Borgs, each carrying a larger version of the Power Weapons. In the front row the Red Battle Zord and Warrior Wheel kneeled down awaiting further instructions.
“Zordon we’re ready,” Billy said.
“Isolating now,” Alpha replied.
There was a bright flash as the Rangers were demorphed leaving the Zords standing powerless. Inside the Power Chamber Ninjor removed the link between the Battle Borgs and the Grid. Now all they were waiting for was the rangers to return.
“Alpha, tell Sam to collect Skull from the airport,” the Doctor ordered. “I’m going to get Bulk.”
As the Doctor stepped into the TARDIS and went to collect the boy he had left in twenty-first century Seacouver Billy returned to the Power Chamber and with the help of Aisha started to reconfigure the Zords.
“Unifying power source,” Billy said.
Manipulating the controls Billy combined the residual energy of the Morphin Grid contained in each Battle Borg into a single power cell. Next he drained the energy of the Super Zeo Gems leaving only enough power for them to operate the Gem Coin Zords. Finally the new power source was place beneath the Zeo Crystal so the powers of Gem, Grid and Crystal could merge.
“Power source unified,” he said looking at Ninjor. “You can reconnect them now.”
“Won’t this make them Morphin Rangers?” Aisha asked.
“No Aisha,” Zordon replied. “Only a trip to the Temple of Ninja Powers will reconnect them.”
“Look,” Billy cried excitedly, “The Zords are reconfiguring to take advantage of the new powers.”
In a flash of golden light Trey of Triforia appeared. “With the Zord changes in progress I think now would be a good time to pass on the Gold Zeo powers. I won’t be any help on Aquitar.”
“You are correct Prince Trey,” Zordon said. “I suggest you we take the time to separate the Zeo Crystal from the Golden Power Staff so you can continue to use the Gold Ranger powers to defend Triforia.”
Billy also agreed remembering how the Aquitian world had affected Trey on his previous visit. “We’ll need somebody to take the powers.”
“We will hold the ceremony tonight,” Zordon said. “By then the candidate will be here.”
Angel Grove Airport
Skull stepped through the baggage area and picked up what little luggage he had. As expected nobody was there to meet him. Nobody cared.
Skull turned to where the voice had come from. He could make out a lone figure waving to him although he had no idea who it was. Deciding to be polite Skull walked towards the green clad teenager trying to place the name to the face.
“Hi Sam,” Skull said finally remembering the boy’s name.
“Hi Skull,” Sam replied. “I- I’m sorry about what you’ve been through the last six week, but we had to wait before telling you the truth about Bulk.”
“Bulk’s dead,” Skull said simply.
Sam took a quick look around to ensure nobody was looking before grabbing Skull’s wrist. “Skull, Bulk is alive and I will take you to him if you come with me.”
Skull laughed, the first time in six weeks. Samoht might have been mad, but he had succeeded in cheering the former bully up.
“I’m serious Skull,” Sam said. “I retrieved his body after they put it in the morgue. The Watchers never took his body, the Power Rangers did.”
“Oh so you’re a Power Ranger,” Skull said sceptically.
“Green Morphin actually,” Sam replied. He had no idea why Zordon wanted Skull or why he had been allowed to reveal his identity, but he trusted Zordon enough to obey without argument.
“Yeah, right!” Skull said not believing a word of it.
Truthfully Skull had always had an idea of who the Rangers might be. In fact part of the reason Bulk and Skull had undertaken to find out their true identities was to help them remain a secret. By constantly putting down those they suspected and allowing the Rangers time to remove any evidence they had been the unsung heroes of the early Ranger days.
“Trust me,” Sam said. Casting a spell to prevent anybody from seeing what was going on he pulled out his morpher. “Green Ranger Power!”
Skull’s mouth opened but no words came out. After all that time spent wondering he couldn’t believe he was so wrong. The Green Ranger removed his helmet and Skull did a double take.
It was Sam’s turn to look surprised. So far only Daniel Pellerin had seen through his disguise. For Skull to have done so meant he was open to the Morphin Grid in some way.
“Come with me,” Green Ranger said. “All will be explained, I hope.”
Mondo’s Machine Base, The Moon
“Father I detect the Zeo Zords are weakened,” Gasket, Mondo’s first made son said. “Now would be a good time for a strike.”
“Yes my son I believe you are right,” Mondo replied unaware of the look his youngest son was giving him. “Klank, I need a monster to destroy the Zeo Rangers while they are vulnerable.”
“Yes ya Majesty,” Klank replied. “Perhaps Hellrunner would do.”
Mondo considered the machine Klank referred to. Based on a large dinosaur the machine was equipped with a single Ion Cannon on its back.
“No,” Mondo said. “We need a monster that can adapt.”
“How about the Death Ball?” Sprocket asked.
The Death Ball was something Sprocket had built. Basically designed as heavy armour for Sprocket the ball featured powerful weapons. The machine would mean Sprocket would be unable to escape in the event of destruction.
“I agree father,” Gasket said. “It is the perfect way to destroy the Rangers.” _Not to mention if it fails Sprocket will be gone. _
“Please Daddy,” Sprocket begged knowing his father could never resist his pleas.
“Very well,” King Mondo conceded. “But take the Death Ball down at full size and have Klank arm it with Cold Iron pellets.
“I am so proud of you,” Queen Machina gushed.
“If you succeed you will be the undisputed successor to Dad’s throne,” Gasket whispered.
“The Death Ball is ready ya Majesty,” Klank reported.
With a small amount of effort Sprocket was inserted into the Death Ball, which then closed around him. Activating the computer systems he armed the weapons and switched on the anti-gravity generators.
“Draw them out son,” Mondo said. “Then crush them.”
Sam and Skull appeared in the Power Chamber at the same moment the TARDIS containing Bulk and the Doctor showed up. The door opened and the Doctor stepped out followed by a very healthy looking Bulk. For six years the former bully had been training with Duncan Macleod and he now returned a changed man.
Since he was immortal he had no fear of ageing. The Doctor’s vast wardrobe room had provided Bulk with a new look. He stepped out in a black trench coat with gold trim. Inside the lining of the coat was the military sabre Macleod liked to give all his students.
“Bulky!” Skull cried running over and embracing his oldest friend. For once the two boys were unafraid to let their emotions show. Skull openly wept knowing his pal was okay. “I thought you were dead.”
“I am officially,” Bulk said. “I’m immortal.”
“You mean you’ll live forever?” Skull asked.
“That is what the term means young man,” the Doctor said.
“So, are you going to introduce everybody?” Skull asked assuming Bulk knew who was who.
“Um, Skull this is the Doctor and that there is Sam,” Bulk began.
“And I am Alpha Five,” a small android said as he shuffled into view.
“And I am Zordon of Eltare,” a deep voice boomed.
The two boys turned to where a giant head was floating in the Plasma Tube.
“Hi,” they said together. There wasn’t anything else to say.
“I believe you know Billy and Aisha,” Zordon added.
“I told you they were Rangers,” Skull said to Bulk.
“Indeed,” Zordon said. “Your actions to help keep the Rangers’ identity secret was appreciated even though they could not tell you. And generous nature you showed by allowing Rito and Goldar to stay in your garage has allowed me to make you the offer I am about to make.”
Zordon was interrupted by the alarm sounding. Billy and Aisha immediately looked up from their workstation to find out the cause of the alarm. Billy swore when he discovered it was a machine monster.
“The Zeo Zords won’t be ready for a while,” he said. “The Morphin Rangers will need to cover.”
“Take the Ninja Zords and use your speed,” Ninjor advised. “I’ll be on call if you need me.”
“The other are on their way,” Alpha said.
“Then it’s Morphin Time!” Sam called.
“Green Ranger Power!”
“Blue Ranger Power!”
In another part of Angel Grove similar voices could be heard calling on their powers.
“White Ranger Power!”
“Red Ranger Power!”
“Purple Ranger Power!”
“Black Ranger Power!”
“Yellow Ranger Power!”
“Pink Ranger Power!”
“We need Ninja Zord power, now!” the Rangers called.
“Log on!” Red Ranger ordered as he appeared in the Ape’s cockpit.
“Zack here moving and a grooving.”
“Billy, the Wolf is ready and able.”
“Trini here ready to boogie with the Bear,”
“Hawk is airborne,” Tanya reported.
“Ditto for the Falcon,” David added.
“Kim here, Crane is flying, but I ain’t lying, Kat’s been messing about with my stereo again!”
“Panther standing by Jase,” Sam reported. “Let’s bring them together!”
“We need Ninja MegaFalconzord now!” Red, Yellow, Blue, Black and Pink Ranger called.
“Ninja Battlezord, power up!” Green and Purple Ranger called.
The Crane started to fold to form the head while at the same time the Frog transformed to become the legs and the Bear converted to become the Ninja MegaFalconzord’s upper body. The already modified Ape and Wolf joined onto the Bear to form the arms as the Crane linked on to become the head. Then the whole upper body joined onto the Frog as the Falcon Zord linked onto the back. Hands formed over the Ape and Wolf’s heads.
The Panther Zord transformed to stand upright on its hind legs. The head rotated downwards to become the chest and the front paws became the arms. The Hawk Zord’s wings and head folded into the body as the Hawk Zord joined onto the shoulders of the Panther to become the head of the Ninja Battlezord. The Panther’s tail converted into a Power Sword as Purple and Green Rangers slid into the cockpit ready for action
“Let’s take this machine down!” Red Ranger ordered.
Together the two Zords circled the Death Ball. Sprocket responded by activating his lateral thrusters and causing the ball to spin. Increasing the power of the thrusters on one side he squealed in delight as the Death Ball ploughed into the Zords. Spikes emerged from the ball to cause some damage.
“Maybe you should be tied up,” Sprocket stated.
Chains shot from the ball and surrounded the Zords. Activating the current he attempted to overload the Zord’s energy banks.
“Fire!” Sprocket commanded activating a flamethrower attached to his machine.
The Ninja MegaFalconzord was engulfed by fire and the Rangers had to put all their energy into the shield. Even the energy that might have allowed them to escape.
“Battle Strike!” Green and Purple Rangers called, hoping to break free using their Power Sword.
“Spike them!” Sprocket responded.
The spikes in the ball’s surface shot out like spears, breaching the Battlezord’s shields and breaking the Zord’s body.
“Time to finish this!” Sprocket cried in triumph. “Fire!”
Two high impact rifles emerged from the Death Ball and fired, pumping pellets of Cold Iron into the damaged Zords.
“We’re losing power!” Pink Ranger said.
“Billy, can you get us any more power?” Red Ranger asked.
“Negative,” Blue Ranger replied. “But we could try the Super Ninjazord.”
“Right!” the others replied. “We need Super Ninjazord power!”
The Hawk Zord detached from the Panther Zord, connecting to the back of the Falcon Zord, which had in turn detached from the Ninja MegaFalconzord. The Panther folded as the Hawk and Falcon finished their link up hovering in the air so the Hawk and Falcon could join with it. The rear of the Megazord opened to allow the Hawk, Falcon and Panther combination to rest inside. The Panthers face appeared just under the Bear.
Sprocket’s reaction was to fire a second barrage of pellets into the Zord. The Super Ninjazord’s cockpit exploded, the consoles sparking violently and threatening the Rangers with electrocution.
“Boost the shields!” Red Ranger ordered.
“We don’t have any shields!” Blue Ranger snapped back.
“Zordon, those Zeo Zords had better be finished soon. Cause we’re going down.”
“Billy, can we call on the other Zords?” Green Ranger asked.
“Negative,” Blue Ranger responded. “This Cold Iron would render the Shogun, Dino and Thunder Zords helpless.”
“We need a miracle,” Black Ranger stated as the Zord was again pummelled with pellets.
“Alpha, summon the Zeo Rangers,” Zordon said.
“On their way Zordon,” Alpha replied.
In ten columns of light the Zeo Rangers arrived. Aisha moved from her place at the computer terminal to join them.
“Rangers,” Zordon began. “The Morphin Rangers need your help. Your new Zeo Zords are ready.”
“Each Zord has additional powers you will learn about in time,” Alpha said. He flicked the controls and the ten Zeo Zords appeared. Six were shaped like the animal based Zeo Zord, the other four in the shape of robots resembling both the Super Zeo Zords and the Battle Borgs. “The Scorpion, Spider, Lion, Bat, Sphinx and Phoenix Zord each have a humanoid conversion,” he added.
“Good luck Rangers,” Zordon said. “And may the Power protect you!”
“It’s Morphin Time!”
“Zeo Ranger I – Pink!”
Zeo Ranger II – Yellow!”
“Zeo Ranger III – Blue!”
“Zeo Ranger IV – Green!”
“Zeo Ranger V – Red”
“Zeo Ranger VI – Purple!”
“Zeo Ranger VII – Silver!”
“Zeo Ranger VIII – Black!”
“Zeo Ranger IX – White!”
“Zeo Ranger X – Gold!”
“Grey Morphin Zeo Power!”
Once outside the Ranger raised their hands to the sky, summoning their Super Zeo Gems.
“We need Zeo Zord Power now!”
The front of the Zord Holding Bay opened to reveal the new Zeo Zords, ten colossal machines superior to Billy’s earlier creations. At the signal from the Rangers the Zords started their first battle charge.
“Here they come!” Pink Zeo cried as she saw the Zords approaching.
Shaped into the form of a Phoenix, a Scorpion, a Sphinx, Spider, a Bat, a Surfer complete with board, a Sentinel, a Cyclops, a Lion and a Dragon the Zeo Zords approached.
“Let’s go!” Tommy instructed. “Log on!”
“Phoenix is ready to fly,” Pink Zeo reported.
“The Scorpion is online and active,” Yellow Zeo said.
“Zeo Zord III is go,” Blue Zeo called.
“Spider Zord ready,” Green Zeo said.
“This Sentinel is cool Oliver,” Purple Zeo reported.
“Cyclops is here Tommy,” Silver Zeo agreed.
“I gotta get me one of these,” Black Zeo commented from inside the Bat.
“Surfer Zord is airborne,” White Zeo said.
“Zeo Lion is here Red Ranger,” Trey said.
“Zeo Dragon V logged on and ready to fly, let’s go Rangers!” Red Zeo ordered.
The Phoenix was an impressive Zord. The Phoenix Zeo Zord had only embodied the spirit of the creature. This one had captured the grace, the beauty and the wonder of the mythical Sun Bird of the Gods.
Trey was not used to such an articulate Zord. He had only ever used the powerful, yet clumsy, Pyramidas. This Lion was more powerful, but more agile, quicker, stronger. Even his recent experience with the Sky Zords and Super Zeo Zord X had not prepared him for how manoeuvrable a Zord could be.
Tommy’s Dragon Zord as the Green Ranger had been a good Zord, then Jason’s Red Dragon was also as impressive, but this Dragon he was in no, well, incredible! Its colour was as deep red as you could get. At first glance it looked black. It had a powerful jaw lined with glistening razor sharp teeth and four feet of equally sharp claws. The legs powerful, especially the rear. It could stand back on them to fight against someone hand to hand (or claw to hand). It had enormous wings, each one longer than the whole of the Dragon’s body. When they were folded away, the stretched back nearly as far as the tip of its tail. Tommy assessed the controls, taking in just what the Zord could do. Billy had outdone himself this time. It had so much destructive potential. Tommy knew he would have to be extra careful with his new Zord.
The Surfer Zord flew along on its powerful anti gravity units that Billy had modified to allow a full range of motion. In right hand it held a very big sword. Billy had specially adapted the Zord so during flight the controls could control both the board and surfer separately or as a combination.
Another humanoid shaped Zord appeared. Its right arm from the elbow down was a sword of some kind; the other hand held a large laser weapon. Its armour was a deep black so no light reflected from its surface. On its chest rested a hexagon shaped gem showing its power.
The Sphinx had also been improved. It was faster, providing a more formidable attack mode. Its mighty jaws capable of crushing anything in its path.
The Bat flew into the sky flying vertically so the Moon’s light shone from behind as a warning to the Rangers’ foe. “I’ve always wanted to do that,” Lillian laughed is she returned to hover over the Sphinx.
The Spider and Scorpion raced along next to each other. The Scorpion’s powerful claws and tail snapping as the spider’s jaws opened and shut in hopes of finding a monster to eat.
Running not far behind was the Cyclops, perhaps the simplest Zord create because it combined a Battle Borg, the Warrior Wheel and parts of the Red Battle Zord. That in no way made it the weakest. Unlike some Cyclops’s in mythology that were fat and ugly. This one stood tall, and muscular, wearing silver armour, a heptagon emblem emblazoned across the chest.
The Super Ninjazord made a final attempt to stand before changing its strategy.
“Billy, channel all out power into a single Super Strike,” White Ranger suggested.
“You guys need help?” Tommy’s voice asked over the commlink.
“Anytime you want to show up,” Blue Ranger answered.
“How about now?” Red Zeo asked.
Looking out the damaged cockpit the Rangers watched as the Senturion sliced through the chains holding them in place and fire into the Death Ball.
“No way Ranger,” Sprocket cried as he blasted the smaller Zord aside.
More chains shot out of the Death Ball connecting with the Sentinel and Dragon. Sprocket activated his flamethrower again.
“Fight fire with fire,” Red Zeo said.
The Dragon’s mouth opened and fired back at the Death Ball, heating it up, but not penetrating.
“Try this Sprocket,” Yellow Zeo said using the Scorpion’s claws to grab the Death Ball long enough for the tail to strike, piercing the shell.
“Surfer, dismount!” White Zeo ordered.
The Surfer detached from the board, which then flew away. Sword in hand it hack away at Sprocket’s creation.
On the Moon Gasket could see his brother losing and decided to ‘help’ him. “Klank, Orbus, get going.”
“Yes Ya Majesty,” Klank replied. “Around and around and away ya go!”
When Orbus connected with the Death Ball and inserted his growth program the machine did not grow. Instead it changed, transforming into a more powerful version of Sprocket, complete with sword.
“We need Zeo Megazord power,” Red Zeo called.
“Zeo Megazord I – Power Up!”
“Zeo Megazord II – Power Up!”
The ten Zords split into two groups, the Phoenix, Sphinx, Spider, Scorpion and Lion forming one group and the Dragon, Sentinel, Bat, Cyclops and Surfer forming the second group.
The Spider and Scorpion’s legs retracted as did the Scorpions claws and tail. The two Zords rocked back so they formed the legs with the tail and claws combining to form the lower torso. The Sphinx folded to form the main body as the Lion’s detached allowing the body to split in half to form the arms which then attached themselves to the body. The Lion’s head then moved into place as the Megazord’s head. Finally the Phoenix locked into position on the Megazord’s back, its wings forming over the arms to provide extra protection. A golden axe appeared in the newly formed Megazord’s hand.
With Megazord I complete the other Megazord started to form. The Sentinel and Cyclops formed the legs onto which the Dragon perched forming the main body, its wings folding around. The Surfer moved alongside the Megazord, sword in one hand and board in the other. The Surfer split vertically and folded to form the arms. Still holding the sword the board was no in position as a shield. With a squeak the Bat’s wings moved into the body, which then positioned itself to clip onto the back of the Dragon forming the Megazord’s head.
“Megazord I ready!” Gold Zeo called.
“Megazord II ready!” Red Zeo agreed.
The Megazords and monster exchanged blows before they beat Sprocket back.
“Super Zeo Chop!” the Rangers inside Megazord I called.
The golden axe charged with power cut into Sprocket’s body leaving him vulnerable for the second team to finish. Pink, Yellow, Blue, Green and Gold energy flowed from the axe into the monster.
“Zeo Megazord Sabre – power up!” Red, White, Silver, Black and Purple Zeo called.
The Megazord’s sword charged with energy and then made a series of cuts ending with a vertical strike through Sprocket’s body.
“Aisha, you ready for the Ultrazord?” Red Zeo asked.
“No need Tommy,” Red Ranger said. “Super Strike now!”
The Super Ninjazord stood upright and made a single lunge. Sprocket staggered before exploding. The Machine Empire had just lost its heir.
“Those Rangers will pay for destroying my son!” Mondo boomed. “I will be avenged. They have not heard the last of the Machine Empire!”
The Power Chamber,
Night time
The time had come after almost a year to say goodbye. Trey, Gold Zeo Ranger of Triforia was leaving for home allowing someone else to take his place.
“Rangers,” Zordon began. “Not only have the Zeo Zords proven their worth, but there were sufficient parts to create a new Carrier Zord. As you know Trey will be leaving us and taking Pyramidas with him. As a result I have created a second Carrier Zord to take its place. Grey Ranger step form and take that which is offered.”
Aisha did as she was told and gasped as the knowledge filled her mind. Built to accommodate all ten Zeo Zords the new Carrier Zord could be used with either all the Zeo Zords or just the humanoid Zords.
A blue flash alerted the Rangers to Ninjor’s arrival along with Bulk and Skull. “It’s time to transfer the power and leave for your next mission,” the Blue Morphin Master told them.
“Bulk, as an immortal you will be immune to the problems the Gold Ranger powers have on humans,” Zordon said. “Do you accept this power?”
“I do,” Bulk said.
Trey had already split into his three parts and had summoned the Golden Power Staff. “Farkus Bulkmier, we pass the power of the Gold Zeo Sub-crystal to you to protect.”
“I accept,” Bulk said touching the Power Staff.
“And now I must be going,” Trey said. “I have neglected my duty of Triforia for too long. It’s time to return home.”
“Thank you for your help Prince Trey,” Zordon said. “Pyramidas is back under your control and you will be able to morph to protect your people.”
“Thank you Zordon,” Trey said before teleporting away.
“Now for the final piece of business,” Ninjor said. “Skull, I cannot give you a Power Coin, but I can make you the White Morphin Warrior.”
“You can?” Skull said.
“Yes, you will be the White Morphin Warrior and will remain on Earth in case of trouble whilst the others are away.”
“I accept,” Skull said. “But does this mean I will have to wear spandex?”
Billy chuckled. “I don’t know, Skull. As you can see, it’s fifty-fifty so far. Let me see if I can explain how the costumes work. The Power Rangers, the original ones, drew their costume imagery from two sources. The first was the needs of the power. That meant that whatever costume the power’s avatar wore, it had to allow freedom of movement, some protection, and had to hide the avatar’s identity. Also, it had to bear the stamp of the power it stood for.
“The rest of the costume was determined by the collective unconscious images of the team who would wield the power. For most of us, Spandex determines the image of the superhero, so the outfits were skin-tight. Since humans are extremely visually oriented, the outfits were mainly colour-coded, with only a slight stylistic variation to the helmets to identify the power animal.
“The Power Rangers worked as a team, and therefore had to resemble each other, hence drawing from the collective image. The Morphin Warriors are different. In the first place, the identity is hidden by magic instead of a helmet. Only those close to you can tell who you are. The costumes are also drawn from the individual image, because the power is not so dependent on teamwork. It is still your greatest strength, but it is no longer your only one.”
Skull nodded. “So what you’re basically saying is that I won’t know until I transform.”
Billy grinned. “Exactly.”
Sighing, Skull shrugged. “Well, here goes nothing. Tigerzord!” In a flash of bright white light, Skull found himself clad in a pair of white jeans, rather like the blue ones he always wore, and a white tunic top. Experimentally, he tried a few kicks, and found that the jeans were just loose enough to allow freedom of movement, but not loose enough to interfere. They were slightly less roomy than the pants to his gi. In the chest of the tunic was set a golden coin with the symbol of the tiger.
“Not bad,” he grinned. “Let’s see what I have for a weapon.” Concentrating, he felt a surge of energy flow through him. Suddenly, the energy coalesced into a long silver saber. It was a cavalry saber, approximately two and a half feet long, made of purest silver. Skull had a feeling, however, that it was enchanted to be a lot harder than steel. He tested its weight and heft with a few practice swings and thrusts, letting out a delighted laugh. “It’s perfect!” he grinned. “Perfectly balanced. Makes sense, I guess.”
“I can see those lessons are going to pay off after all,” Bulk laughed.
“Take this as well,” Aisha said pulling her Bio Morpher out of sub-space. “This will give you extra protection should you need it.”
“Welcome to the team,” Tommy said.
“Rangers, it is almost time for you to depart,” Zordon told them. “Skull will remain here with the Doctor and myself. Ninjor, Thalian and Saurian will be on call should he need them.”
“Thanks Zordon,” Jason said. “Come on guys,let’s get to the Zo…”
Before Jaosn could finish, the alarm sound. A scarlet coloured figure had appeared in Angel Grove, causing havoc a he collided with a building.
“Aw man, can’t we ever get a break?” Tommy grumbled as he took in the devastation.
There was no way they could leave Earth with a new threat just arriving. WIth an exchange of looks between Tommy and Jason, and a sad nod from Billy it was clear that Aquitar would have to ait at least one more day.
His name was Barry Allen, although on his world he was better known as The Flash. And Barry Allen was in big trouble. His world had been attacked by a being, a creature driven mad for revenge against the Power Rangers and all who stood beside them. He had already torn through some of his world’s mightiest defenders and following a merger with another villain, appeared unstoppable.
And that was why Barry had tried, breaking all the limits he had ever known in the process, to cross the barriers between worlds in search of help. His Rangers had learnt the beast calling itself Minion had been defeated once before and they had sent Barry to find those that had defeated him to help them do the same.
Bu the crossing had been a matter of desperation and Barry had had no control over his speed after it had received the need boost. He had arrived with no means of stopping himself as he tore through the city of Angel Grove. And now it seemed that those allies he had intended to seek out had already found him. And they did not look pleased…
To be continued in A Cry for Help