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Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers, they belong to their respective copyright owners and are used here without permission. No money is being made from this fic.
Authors Note: This is an alternate universe with an alternate time line.

The New Age

The dark age of magic and ignorance drew to an end. The Dark Times as they would often be
referred to in the future were a period during which many of the events taking
place within the cosmos were hidden from the general population. New races had
emerged and attempted position themselves as the shining example for the rest of the
cosmos to emulate.

One such race, had grown increasingly vocal in their pursuit of science and knowledge
and dismissive of the use of magic. Their public deeds were well recorded and a matter of highly vocalised record
as they had moved to make all around them aware of their triumphs. But behind
the cheering and support there were many that questioned the rumours and stories
of other activities that had taken place. There were stories of planets
disappearing and races ceasing to exist. Some galaxies had mysteriously changed
shape and outspoken opposition had either vanished or completely changed their

There were even some stories that this new race, the Time Lords as they
preferred to be called, had had some involvement in the events that led to the Age of Chaos
as well as being a part of those responsible for heralding a new age of order. There were many who suspected the Time Lords and their
leaders had used the chaos as an opportunity to remove opposition and sabotage
those that might oppose them in future. Their jealously guarded secrets made
many wary of their true intentions and so despite the great service they had
done for the universe, the Time Lords would be revered and admired, but never truly

And despite their obvious greatness, they were held back by the knowledge of
the things they had had to do to reach their place at the top of the cosmic
power struggle. The Time Lords knew of the crimes they had committed, the secrets they had
buried along the way. The Time Lords knew how dirty and corrupt their society
had become,
and it caused them to believe that other races were just as calculating and
underhanded. They refused to commit to cooperation out of fear that their
competitors might take their interaction as an opportunity to strike against

And so, instead of claiming the leadership they so desired at a time when it
was freely given, the Time Lords instead chose to grow more and more isolated,
sending out edicts that were often ignored as their influence slipped away.

The truth was a little more complex where the Time Lords were concerned. The
Shobogan race had been one of those races chosen by The Celestials and had
benefited from the experiments conducted upon them. They were the race that
could claim that most of the alterations made by The Celestials had been
beneficial. And the Shobogans had in return been one of the most dedicated races
gathered by The Celestials to help reshape reality. They had played a key part
in urging their peers to go further and truly nail down the rules
of physics to make it almost impossible for there to be anything but logic and order.

When The Celestials had been satisfied that their work was complete and had
returned the various races to their homes, the Shobogans had been one of the few to make complex written records of everything
they had learned during their time away. And even though they realised that they
would never achieve the feats that they had managed again during their lifetime,
they hoped that their descendants would once again unlock the secrets that would
make them the equals of The Celestials.

It took many generations and much of the knowledge was forgotten despite the
ancient texts. With the withdrawal of The Celestials, it became clear that some
of the changes made during the experiments had been temporary and reliant upon
the presence of The Celestials. The Shobogans like many others, had to start from almost nothing and build themselves up. In time they
mastered space flight and then later unlocked part of the secrets to
immortality. It was not true immortality for they were bound to eventually die,
but it gave them the longevity to learn and evolve. But it was when they
mastered time travel that they saw the true possibilities that had
unlocked. Using time travel they were able to remove the chaotic elements of the
cosmos. They waged war on beings that used magic and took steps to prevent
extra-dimensional energy from seeping in. They claimed they made the universe
safer. Most argued they had managed to make the universe dull.

The Shobogan race manipulated history, making themselves a central part of its
development. They set fixed events in time that led to their emergence as the leaders
of cosmic society while recognising, but ultimately downplaying the role of
others. Eventually though they adopted a position of non-interference, stating
that the universe should make its own way. There were many who suspected that
this stance was a ruse and that the Time Lords were really intervening in secret
to keep events how they wanted them to proceed.

As the Time Lords rose to prominence and then faded
into the background, two other races were engaged in a devastating war that
prevented them from stepping forward as leaders. The ancestors of the Kree and
the Skrull had been among those The Celestials had selected. Unlike the Shobogans, they
were unable to retain their knowledge
long enough to record their wisdom. However, the alterations to their minds
allowed them to relearn whatever they had lost.

The Skrull had been the first to advance, building a society that elevated
neighbouring worlds and encouraging the growth and evolutions of societies. The
Kree on the other hand were war like and violent, unable to show the dedication
needed to reach the same heights as their former allies.

And so, the Kree attacked the Skrull, seeking to take from them everything
they had developed. Worse, they used their ability to convince others of their
own righteousness to make the Skrull appear as the infiltrating villains seeking
to conquer worlds by aiding them. The Kree turned those the Skrull had formed
their alliances with against them, breaking apart the Skrull society. The Skrull
retaliated by declaring war on the Kree. It was a war that would never end and
robbed both races of any influence in how the universe would progress.

As the Age of Chaos ended and the universe emerged from the dark times, the
races that had been chosen to guide the lower dimensions through their evolution
had faded. What emerged was not the ordered and logical society that so many had
wished for. The universe had emerged broken, but it had endured. And even
without the guidance of those that had been expected to take up the reins of
leadership, the cosmos still clung to hope.

And from the darkness, new light emerged.

There was one final truth that remained hidden, even from those The
Celestials had chosen. At the moment of their departure,, The Celestials split the universe, creating multiple universes and a
massive scar where they universes had once been joined together. Over countless
millions of years the wound had shrunk as gravity had drawn the broken space
inward. It was then that The Celestials returned to fill what was left of the void they
had formed. With a cosmic sleight of hand, they merged a swirling mass of gas
and dust, igniting the gases to form a new solar body around which they rested
thirteen planetary bodies. In a short amount of time, perhaps accelerated by the
will of The Celestials, the planets formed out of the dust, bringing forth the
beginnings of the Sol System with a planet that would one name become known as
Earth sitting upon the centre of the almost completely healed tear in space and

The Earth was the key to the new structure of the multiple universes. Through
the Earth it was possible to shift between universes. Although a small and
unassuming world, which had been devastated in its early life by a collision
with another planet, the Earth was one of the central hubs around which
existence thrived. From the moment it had formed it had drawn the attention of
those that could sense the truth of its potential. At the moment of the
collision, it had been elevated from a mere curiosity into an enigma. And as the
first of many races appeared, ready to treat the Earth as a cosmic dumping
ground, there were some who knew that one day this place would have a pivotal
role in the fate of all existence.

Long ago, before the universe descended and then emerged from a period of
anarchy and chaos, The Celestials had places barriers between the higher
dimensions and their final realm. It had been done so that the lower realm had
time to grow and evolve before being confronted by those that lurked in the less
physically restrictive planes. Now though the seals were starting to break down
and the battles that raged in the upper planes of existence would soon find
their way to the mortal realm as some of the higher dimensions once again gained
access to the planes below.

Now the war between Good and Evil would start anew even as the fight between
Chaos and Order stressed the universe to its breaking point. The Celestials had
completed their task, their creations would record the results. And then they
would have their answer… if they could remember the question.

End of Part

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